What’s on this week? | 19-25 October

The ASTI image says 'October Ballots: Stand Up for Equal Pay for Equal Work and Terms and Conditions

Pretty sure there’s interesting and important events taking place but just can’t remember what day of the week it is? Don’t worry, LookLeft has you covered.

Public talks

NERI’s post Budget 2021 webinar takes place at 3pm on Wednesday 21st, with presentations by Michael Taft (SIPTU), Dr Tricia Keilthy (SVP), and Eamon murphy (Social Justice Ireland). The ESRI has an event on student and school leader experience of Educate Together second-level on Wednesday and is holding its Growing Up in Ireland 12th Annual Research Conference on Thursday. The keynote speaker is Professor Emla Fitzsimons, Director of the UK’s Millennium Cohort Study, on the topic of ‘Mental health among young people: longitudinal evidence from the UK’.

On Monday night the writer and producer of Unquiet Graves: The Story of the Glenanne Gang, Seán Murray, will discuss the documentary’s making and some recent criticism.

In the first of what looks like an interesting series of lectures, on Saturday 24th the Irish Labour History Society is hosting a talk on the 1920 munitions strike by Peter Rigney.

Trade unions

Last month the ASTI decided to ballot members on unilateral changes to work practices in some schools without consultation, serious health and safety concerns around Covid-19, and Equal Pay for Equal Work. Ballot papers are due back at ASTI Head Office by 5.30 on Thursday October 22nd.


The Government will be making statements following the European Council on Tuesday. On Wednesday it’s bringing the Railway Safety (Reporting and investigation of Serious Accidents and Incidents involving Certain Railways) Bill 2020 and the Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes and certain related Matters) Records and another Matter Bill 2020 on Wednesday, which involves sealing records on the Homes for 30 years.

Sinn Féin is bringing the Ministerial Power (Repeal) (Ban Co-Living and Build to Rent) Bill 2020 to second stage on Tuesday and its Forestry (Planning Permission) (Amendment) Bill 2020 on Thursday. The Regional Group has a motion on the Post Office Network on Wednesday. 

The Seanad is sitting on Thursday and Friday next week, and will be dealing with the Electoral (Civil Society Freedom) (Amendment) Bill 2019 and the Covid Act.

On Tuesday Joint Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage will be looking at the Water Environment (Abstractions) Bill 2020 and representatives of the forestry sector will be speaking to the Joint Committee on Agriculture and the Marine

Wednesday is a busy day for committees, with the Joint Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employmentscrutinising EU legislative proposals, the Joint Committee on EU Affairs looking at Brexit, representative organisations speaking at the Joint Committee on Health on workforce planning in acute and community care settings, academic experts speaking to the Joint Committee on Climate Action on the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill 2020, and representatives from the Tourism Recovery Taskforce going before the Joint Committee on Media, etc.

Also on that day the Joint Committee on Gaeilge and an Gaeltacht will be hearing from the Coimisinéir Teanga and the Committee on Public Accounts will be investigating the 2018 and 2019 Appropriation Accounts for Education and Skills. The Public Expenditure and Reform group will be up in front of the PAC on Thursday.