What’s on this week? |2 – 8 November

A yellow Comhlámh poster for the talk on 'Health and Wealth'

Keep up with everything going on this week with LookLeft.

Public talks

Jawaharlal Nehru University and the Irish Embassy in India are running Ireland, India and World War 1 – The Connaught Rangers 1920 Mutiny and its socio-political dimensions over Monday and Tuesday.

In the wake of the Black Lives matter protests, renewed attention has turned to decolonising the curriculum. Decolonising Irish History? brings together a range of academics grappling with the imperial and colonial legacies of Irish history to consider the challenges, opportunities and sensitivities that a decolonising lens can bring to historians’ work.

Wednesday is another busy day for talks. At 1pm the Irish Doughnut Economics Book Club is taking place. As it’s fifty years this year since the writer’s death, the Workers’ Party is hosting I gCuimhne Máirtín Ó Cadhain: Polaitíocht, Litríocht agus Teanga at 7pm. At that same time, Comhlámh is hosting Health & Wealth: Solidarity and justice in developing and delivering vaccines for Covid-19.

A new Mary Ann McCracken pamphlet is being launched on Thursday.

Take action

Solidarity is continuing its protests at the site of the former Mother and Baby Home on the Navan Road, Dublin this Saturday. They’re calling on Minister O’Gorman and other government TDs in the constituency to stop any seal on records, give adoptees the right to their identity and to end the institutional secrecy and suspicion in dealing with survivors.

Also on Saturday, Act Up is hosting a webinar about doing HIV activism in Ireland.


As well as the main show, other work continues in the Dáil. On Tuesday Sinn Féin is bringing a motion on flooding in Shannon, the Second Stage of Finance Bill 2020 is on Wednesday, and Labour’s Education (Admission to Schools) (Amendment) Bill 2020 going back in the Dáil on Thursday.

The Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) (Amendment) Bill 2020 and the members’ motion on biodiversity are the major events taking place in the Seanad.

Highlights of the committee week include Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan at the Joint Committee on Transport and Communications Network and representatives from Home For Good Coalition at the Joint Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, the Joint Committee on Climate Action will be undertaking pre-legislative scrutiny of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2020 and the Ministers and Junior Ministers are attending the Joint Committee on Media and the Joint Committee on Disability Matters.

Representatives of the Sustainable Water Network Ireland (SWAN) and the EPA will be before the Joint Committee on Housing regarding the Water Environment (Abstractions) Bill on Thursday. The Joint Committee on Education will be looking at Cyber Bullying.