What’s On This Week | 25-31 January

A cartoon man stands in front of a map of the world. This image is taken from the cover of the FJI Business Studies report.
Image: Financial Justice Ireland.

Yes, the weather is grim and the coalition government’s attempts to have us tear each other apart is even grimmer. But there are still events going on that remind us there is a future to fight for.

This Wednesday join NERI for their seminar on Supporting People and Place: Planning for a Just Transition in Northern Ireland. Economic consultant Dr Aoife Ní Lochlainn will discuss the possible risks for workers in Northern Ireland from decarbonisation and how policy-making would benefit from a just transition approach.

Then take a walk, have some food, and come back for World Beyond War’s Conversations on Alternatives. In this week’s conversation, ‘Militarism and the Environment: Losing Connection’, Dave Donnellan will explore how militarism doesn’t just destroy individual lives but is in danger of bringing life on the planet to an end.

Secondary school Business Studies teachers may not have felt particularly welcome by the Irish Left. But no longer! Financial Justice Ireland has developed ‘Not Business As Usual’, which provides a suite of development education methodologies linked to the curriculum to help teachers bring a global justice perspective into the classroom. FJI is running a free workshop on Thursday at 6.30pm.

Stand up, speak out: empowering voices for 2021 is also taking place on Thursday evening. Organised by Le Chéile – a grassroots alliance of organisations and individuals committed to combating the Far Right, for anyone not in the know – the event is a panel discussion on how 2021 is the year to organise a broad coalition and work together against those seeking to sow divisions in our society. Vincent Browne will chair the discussion, with speakers including Liam Herrick (ICCL), Senator Eileen Flynn (Traveller Rights activist), Sara Phillips (TENI), Wumi Obi (BLM activist), and others.

For anyone with an interest in keeping an eye on the Oireachtas, on Tuesday the Seanad will have statements on the Covid-19 vaccine programme and on the Report on the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes.

And if you’re looking to get active, the IPSC is asking supporters of Palestinian rights to send emails to the Garda Commissioner and to the PSNI Chief Constable to stop Garda and PSNI involvement in the EU’s ROXANNE project, which involves working in collaboration with Israel’s Ministry of Public Security.

And finally, the Republic of Ireland will review the abortion legislation this year. While it’s a chance for pro-choicers to push for the removal of barriers which currently exist to abortion access, the anti-choice minority will also be making plans on how to roll back our hard-won rights. If you’re interested in making sure that doesn’t happen, the Abortion Rights Campaign is hosting an open meeting on Saturday 30th January to discuss plans for 2021 and ensuring free, safe, legal and local abortion access.