What’s On This Week | 8-14 February

It's never a quiet week.

First up, bored office workers. If you want to keep an eye on the Oireachtas instead of working, here’s the timetable for you. On Monday the Seanad will have statements on special education provision and the Free Provision of Period Products Bill.

Then on Tuesday, over to the Committees. They’ll be looking at the protection and support for Covid-19 frontline healthcare workers, the equitable access to vaccines across the world, and the National Development Plan. The ESB and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland will be in front of the Climate Action Committee and there’s pre-legislative scrutiny of the affordable housing bill taking place too.

On Wednesday the Dáil will have Labour’s motion on a national aggressive suppression strategy, as well as the Criminal Procedure Bill 2021.

And if you’d like your public representatives to actually debate signing up to shady agreements that let companies sue States for laws and policies that could impact their profits rather than just rushing it through the Dáil, then take a look at #StopCETA to bother your local representative.

There’s two different takes Ireland’s response to Covid-19 this week. On Monday People Before Profit has a public meeting called Could Zero Covid Work? and on Tuesday Dr Gabriel Scally is joining the Labour Party to discuss the National Aggressive Suppression Strategy.

Last week we pointed out that the public consultation on the National Development Plan has been extended. This Thursday join CATU for a seminar on CATU and the National Development Plan.

Finally, on the 11th anniversary of his passing, the Workers’ Party will be hosting an event on Tomás MacGiolla’s Republicanism – a Positive Vision for the Future.