What’s On This Week | 5-11 April

Education, housing, climate or workplace democracy - there's something for everyone.

On a grey background a sign says
Credit: SIPTU.

We start out this week with Conor McCabe speaking on Equality, Community and the Problem of Irish Finance: Challenges, Blockages, Solutions on Tuesday evening for the William Thompson Forum. The talk will examine the inequalities and lack of social investment in communities arising from the complicated relationship between finance and the state and will explore environmental and feminist economic strategies for a more progressive and democratic financial system.

Wednesday is full of talks to choose between. At lunchtime SIPTU has the next of its First Wednesday Workshops – An Unlikely Cure for Populism: Workplace Democracy. Workplace Democracy expert Professor Stan De Spiegelaere will join SIPTU’s Deputy General Secretary Ethel Buckley to discuss how trade union participation is good for democracy.

Then at 7pm Comhlámh has its next #FirstWeds. In Education, Emancipation and Social Change the panel will discuss what role education plays in social change and what links learning and emancipation.

At the same time, Trinity College Dublin Renters Union has Tenants’ Unions 101 with CATU. Attendees will be informed on housing rights and how CATU can help them get better accommodation for college next year and in later life.

There’s a couple of talks for people interested in environmental and climate issues. Extinction Rebellion Ireland has its National General Meeting on Wednesday. On Thursday afternoon the Corporate Europe Observatory has a talk on The Energy Charter Treaty: how ‘shadow’ courts threaten Europe’s climate goals. And then that evening Slí Eile is running the Energy Charter Treaty: Compensating Corporations So We Can Stop Climate Chaos. With Irish, Slovenian, and German activists who are fighting Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), fracking and LNG, the session will introduce the Energy Charter Treaty and how it facilitates companies to sue countries as they take actions necessary to slow climate chaos.

Don’t worry history nerds, you have not been forgotten. On Tuesday at 7pm Trasna na Tíre has the Life and Times of Theobald Wolfe Tome by Elaine Crory