What’s On This Week | 10-16 May

A black and white photo of what looks like a long procession led by trade union banners making its way through the countryside.

Start your week with some Solidarity in Diversity. Having received overwhelming engagement on their recent webinar events, Le Chéile decided to mark May Day with a discussion featuring speakers from across the island, focusing on the issues affecting workers and how we need to come together to challenge the far right attacks on workers.

Keeping with the theme, on Wednesday the Dáil will debate and vote on The Companies (Proection of Employees’ Rights in Liquidations) Bill 2021. The Bill seeks to boost the rights of workers through ensuring that they’re treated as priority creditors and that collective agreements covering redundancies would be given the status of a debt owed to workers and would therefore be more likely to be paid in a liquidation. Debenhams workers and supporters will gather outside Leinster House at 5pm on Wednesday for #PassDebenhamsBill Rally at the Dáil. Masks and social distancing will be required.

Later that evening the Sligo Traveller Support Group are running Mincéir Feen’s Voices to discuss some of the issues that are impacting Traveller men in Ireland today. The panel has a wide variety of experiences and the hosts encourage questions and comments.

Decolonising Irish Public Heritage takes place on Friday. The workshop hopes to bring together experts in decolonisation theory, heritage professionals, activists, and public historians for a broad and open debate about the relevant of cultural decolonisation to the Irish heritage sector. Although Ireland has been marginal in recent discussion of the coloniality of public heritage in the Global North, the inherited museum collections, stately homes, and civic buildings are products of imperial exploitation.

On that same day, Friends of the Earth NI is hosting a panel discussion about the report ‘Climate Action Plan for Northern Ireland: A Green and fair recovery for people and communities’. How to build back better, new thinking for post-pandemic Northern Ireland will involve a panel discussion on the report, looking at how Northern Ireland can navigate the crises of climate breakdown, ecological collapse, a global pandemic, and growing inequalities, all within the context of being a post-conflict society and ‘with what could be described as at best a struggling democracy and at worst a dysfunctional one’.

Then on Saturday sit down with the Peace and Neutrality Alliance for An Interview with Iraklis Tsavdaridis. Tsavdaridis is the executive secretary of the World Peace Council and PANA’s chairperson, Roger Cole, will interview him about NATO, international issues, and expectations of the Biden administration.