What’s On This Week | 24-30 May

Remembering repeal, standing up against the US blockade of Cuba, and a Green New Deal.

Thousands with umbrellas stand on a Dublin street behind a banner that reads

This week we celebrate the third anniversary of repealing the Eighth Amendment. And what better way to think about memory than by joining the first session of the Archiving the 8th Seminar Series from the UCD School of Art History and Cultural Policy. The four-part series will explore archivist, activist and academic perspectives on Irish and global experiences in documenting and researching women’s reproductive rights and community activism. It’s on Tuesday at 2pm.

Separately, People Before Profit will be discussing “where we are now with legislation and how we want no one left behind with the review” due this year. Join Repeal Review – Time for Choice at 7pm on Tuesday.

People Before Profit will be competing for time with Trademark Belfast, which is running a seminar at the same time on What’s Green in Ireland. In the seminar, Conor McCabe will examine how class dynamics, together with Ireland’s place in the global economic and financial system, continue to work against a transformative state- and community-led approach to climate action. Drawing on eco-feminist perspectives, McCabe will also outline potential economic strategies for a green and just transition.

Financial Justice Ireland are also interested in getting people to think about the economy. On Thursday at 4:30pm they’re running Intro to TY Resource ‘How the World Works’, an introduction to the third edition of cross-curricular, thematic resource for Transition Year.

And continuing the theme, at 7:30pm that evening the Just Transition Greens are hosting A Just Ireland. This is a “public conversation”, with participants including the Minister of State Joe O’Brien, Mandate’s David Gibney, Bernard Joyce of the Irish Traveller Movement, and Dr Ciara Murphy (Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice), setting out their vision for a just Ireland. 

Also on Thursday, the National Homeless and Housing Coalition is hosting a Women in Homelessness Webinar.

But don’t think you can get all your politics by sitting inside at a computer this week. Oh no. On Sunday at Midday the Cuba Solidarity Forum is holding an Unblock Cuba protest outside the US embassy. Remember your mask and social distancing protocols.