What’s On This Week | 7 – 13 June

Looking to the past and the future.

An old map with the coasts of Europe and Africa fairly correct but with less and less information about everywhere else.

On Tuesday at 2pm the Archiving the 8th series continues with a look at preserving debates and including voices of minority communities in public archives. Chaired by Dr Aileen O’Carroll (Digital Repository Ireland), the speakers will be Dr Barry Houlihan (NUIG), Orla Egan (Cork LGBT Archive), and Paul Dudman (University of East London).

Then on Wednesday, there’s another series of lectures is starting. Mapping the Irish Revolution is a four-week course from UCC historian Helene O’Keefe. It will provide an overview of the Revolutionary period (1912-1923) through a selection of maps developed by the Atlas of the Irish Revolution team and primary sources from the National Library of Ireland’s archive of images and documents.

There’s also two interesting launches taking place this week.

First up is Towards a Programme for Eco-Socialism. The breakaway from the Green Party officially launched on Saturday as An Rabharta Glas-Green Left. On Tuesday they’re holding a meeting to explain their vision and approach. Michael Rafferty, Cllr Lorna Bogue, and Julie Smirnova will speak about their political programme, “actioning eco-socialism” in local government, and their eco-socialist organising values, respectively.

And then on Friday at 7pm Le Chéile’s Cork Network Launch event is taking place. Speakers will give a background to Le Chéile and plans for the network in Cork, as well as having an open discussion on combatting the far-right in Cork.

Of course, we can’t forget the goings on in the Oireachtas. The Select Committee on Environment and Climate Action has Minister Eamon Ryan in on Tuesday (10:30) and Wednesday (9:30) as part of the Committee’s consideration of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill. The An Post CEO, David McRedmond will be in before the Joint Committee on Transport and Communications on Wednesday (9:30) to discuss the viability of and opportunities for the Post Office Network. On Thursday (9:30) Minister of State Malcolm Noonan is in front of the Select Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage as part of that committee’s consideration of the Land Development Agency Bill.