What’s on this week? | 7-13 September

A yellow HSE poster that says

Losing track of time? From pickets to the Dáil, LookLeft has a roundup of this week’s events.

Public meetings

Organisations have moved meetings online over the last few months and People Before Profit and RISE are no different. Their Housing & Tenants Rights public meeting takes place via Facebook Live on Monday at 7:30pm.

On Wednesday Trade Union Friends of Palestine (TUFP) has a webinar on Covid, Colonialism and the People’s Resistance. The INMO’s Phil Ní Sheaghdha is chairing and speakers include Jamal Juma’ from the West Bank, Dina Nassar from East Jurusalem, and Eamon McMahon from the TUFP. Registration is required.

Instead of the annual weekend getaway to the sunny southeast, this year the Dublin Economic Workshop is taking place online, with events covering housing, Covid, and Brexit at lunchtime each day this week. For some reason, the question of ‘Is Ireland a tax haven?’ has ended up with the 4pm Friday slot.

Follow up on that dose of ‘economic reality’ with a bit of culture at the Sean O’Casey Festival. Usually held each year in and around East Wall, North Wall, and North Strand, the celebration of one of Ireland’s greatest playwrights includes documentaries, presentations, and a virtual walking tour.

Outdoor actions

The Workers’ Party is holding a demonstration this Saturday at the Vincent Byrne Site against a cash grab by developers and landlords at the expense of renters and the community. 

Also on Saturday, United Against Racism has organised rallies in Dublin and Sligo to oppose the growth of the Far Right in Ireland.

Demonstrators at all the above events are requested to respect all social distancing guidelines and wear a face mask.

Trade Unions

Mandate members have been manning pickets outside Debenhams for 150 days in an effort to ensure that former workers receive fair compensation from the company before it escapes the country. Even though Mandate announced on Friday that it had reached a potential resolution with the company, the union is still urging members to maintain the pickets.

In other union news, this is the last week for Connect members to return their ballots for or against industrial action. Earlier this year the High Court declared that Sectoral Employment Orders (SEOs), which set out minimum terms for particular areas, were unconstitutional. A vote for industrial action would allow the union’s members to take action should an employer try using the Court’s decision to cut terms and conditions.

The Dáil

And finally, to Dáil Éireann. This week the Government will be bringing the Defence (Amendment) Bill 2020 back to the Dáil and the Minister for Health will be making a statement on Covid-19, followed by the Ministers for State making statements on mental health and older people, on disabilities, and on the National Drug Strategy.

Over on the opposition benches, Sinn Féin has a motion on cancer screening, the Rural Independent Group will be raising flooding, and Aontú is bringing the Ministers and Ministers of State (Successors) Bill 2020.

The Covid-19 committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday to discuss the legislative framework here and abroad. On Thursday HIQA representatives will be in front of the committee to discuss the Report on the Impact of Covid-19 on Nursing Homes in Ireland.