What’s On This Week | 22-28 March

A footpath with the words 'keep left' spraypainted

Unfortunately, there are no bank holidays this week. But there’s still plenty of events going on to keep you educated and entertained.

Starting with the environment, People Before Profit is hosting Ecosocialism: the fight for a just transition on Tuesday. They’ll be looking at how will the radical change we need come about, whether it’s possible to tackle the ecological crisis within the confines of the capitalist system (we can probably guess the answer), and the role for electoral politics in bringing about these changes. Bríd Smith and Paul Murphy will speak.

And then on Wednesday the Just Transition Greens have a webinar on access to environmental information and the Aarhus Convention. Don’t be put off by the title, this is an important issue.

Then on to welfare. On Monday the Labour Party is hosting a public meeting to discuss Senator Ivana Bacik’s Catch Up for Children Scheme, which looks for the government to provide funding for resources to mitigate some of the impacts of Covid-19 on children.

NERI is holding a talk on The Future of the Irish Social Welfare System on Wednesday at 3pm. The presentation will set out the main challenges facing our social welfare system.

Always busy, People Before Profit has another meeting on Wednesday: Winning Workers – taking on precarity. Professor Jane Hardy will argue for trade union organising regardless of scare words like ‘precarity’ and ‘the gig economy’.

And if that’s not enough for you, Financial Justice Ireland is running Beyond Covid: What next for the financial system? Global tax and opportunities for action on Tuesday. As it says on the tin, if you join in you’ll find a discussion on what the current challenges and opportunities are for a more just and fair international tax system emerging from the aftermath of the pandemic.

Don’t think that we’ve forgotten the Oireachtas.

This week the Dáil will be looking at the Residential Tenancies Bill 2021, the Family Leave Bill 2021, and Sinn Féin’s Ceathrú Chultúir 1916 Bill 2021 for the preservation, restoration and management of the cultural historical quarter within the Moore Street Battlefield Area.

Over in the Seanad Labour has its Irish Nationality and Citizenship (Naturalisation of Minors Born in Ireland) Bill 2018 and the Social Justice Group is trying to promote the use of social considerations in the Quality in Public Procurement (Contract Preparation and Award Criteria) Bill 2021.