What’s On This Week | 26 April – 2 May

In the build up to the May Day weekend there's talks on climate, culture, history, housing, racism and sectarianism.

A Palestinian May Day poster from 1981. Credit: The Palestine Poster Project.

Start off the week with an update on the significant developments in critical climate legislation unfolding across the island of Ireland and the EU. Join Environmental Justice Network Ireland, Climate Case Ireland, and Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland at 12pm on Tuesday for Climate Laws and the fight for 1.5C: Latest developments from the island of Ireland and the EU.

Then on Tuesday evening join retired Associate Professor of Sociology at TCD, Ronit Lentin for “It was not a question of race, the Gardaí were only doing their job”: Race, Racism and Denial in Ireland. The talk will unpack misconceptions about race and racism both theoretically and politically.

At 7:30pm you can head over to The politics of the Workers’ Party. This is an open meeting about the Workers’ Party history, ideas, and politics. It’s just the place for questions from anyone confused by the claims of formers members.

Thursday is another busy day for talks.

At 4pm Maynooth University English Department is hosting Sex and socialism: Is there a ‘political turn’ in contemporary Irish fiction? Apart from having a good title, it looks like an interesting talk on whether there’s a ‘post-crash’ generation, if their writing is distinctively politicised, and whether the alignment with radical politics is changing the way these authors write.

The National Homeless and Housing Coalition has a webinar at 7pm on The Privatisation of Public Housing. This is the event for anyone who wants to know more about what exactly is going to happen with the Land Development Agency. And if you’re too excited to wait until Thursday, have a read of our LDA explainer from 2018 or Patrick Barry’s explainer on the LDA Bill.

If you’re more in the mood for history, the Irish Centre for Histories of Labour and Class are hosting Revolution? Ireland from below, c.1919-1923 at 8pm. The panel will discuss a number of the social struggles of 1919-1923, considering the objectives of those involves, their notions of justice and equity, and their connections with political and military organisations.

Finally, on Saturday there’s another event from the Workers’ Party. They’re commemorating May Day with an event called Stand Against Sectarianism.