What’s On This Week | 14-20 June

First up this week we have the Dublin Mica demonstration. Affected families and their supporters are travelling from Donegal to demand that the Government puts in place a scheme that is fit for purpose. The demonstration starts at 1:15pm outside the Convention Centre on Tuesday.

Then on Saturday, Le Chéile, Carlow Choice & Equality Network, United Against Racism, and Access For All Ireland have organised a socially distanced, masked Rally against hatred and division.

Even with the (sometimes) sunny weather, there are still talks happening. On Tuesday, the last session of Archiving the 8th is taking place. This session will be a reflective discussion on barriers and difficulties in collecting visual, textual and oral materials relating to activism, with speakers Karl Hayden (Yes Equality), Rachel Brady (Linen Hall Library), and Dr Hannah Ishmael (University College London), broadening the scope of discussion to marriage equality, women’s lives in Northern Ireland, and Black-led archives in the UK.

And on Thursday the Irish Refugee Council has organised a Seminar on ending Direct Provision as part of World Refugee Week. Focusing on forward-looking ideas and recommendations, the speakers will include Orla Hegarty (UCD), John O’Connor and Claire Feeney (Housing Agency), Bulelani Mfaco (MASI), David Carroll (De Paul), Andy Gale (Campbell Tickell) and more.

If you like to keep an eye on the Oireachtas Tuesday will see Committees discussing the Ombudsman for Children’s report on living conditions of children on a local authority halting site , the reduction in carbon emissions of 51% by 2030, the Land Development Bill, and the Birth Information and Tracing Bill 2021. The Committee on Budgetary Oversight will discuss the cost of climate change on Thursday with TASC and the OECD.