What’s On This Week | 21-27 June

An inquest into the death of George Nkencho will formally open on Monday morning. The George Nkencho Coalition is a gathering of 30 different political, community, anti-racism and trade union organisations all working towards an independent and thorough investigation into the Nkencho’s killing, Garda reform, and repairing community relations. They’ve organised the Support the Nkencho Family at Inquest event to peacefully demonstrate the wish to see justice and a public inquiry.

The #MakeNMHOurs Rally at the Dáil is taking place on Saturday at 1pm. Having tried to rush transferring control of the new National Maternity Hospital to private religious group that will try to stop abortion and other reproductive health treatments it disagrees with, the Government seems to be realising that the public won’t put up with having theoretical rights that mean nothing in reality. Join the Campaign Against Church Control of Women’s Healthcare to tell the Government that you will only accept a new National Maternity Hospital that is publicly owned and fully secular.

On Sunday the Workers’ Party will be holding its Bodenstown 2021 commemoration.

And now for the indoor events. On Monday morning the ESRI is hosting Budget Perspectives webinar: Covid-19 and the welfare system. ESRI researchers Karina Doorley, Claire Keane and Dora Tuda will present a paper on Covid-19 and the welfare system. By profiling those who benefitted the most from the new Covid-19 schemes, they’ll highlight the groups most at risk of significant income losses as they wind down.

On Wednesday NERI is hosting Low pay and the living wage: investigating the issues. Fran Bennett will draw on her work with the Women’s Budget Group and elsewhere to discuss the issues of low pay and in-work poverty, the policy measures required to resolve them, and shifting our focus from a snapshot of household income to individual income over the life-course.

Also on Wednesday, the Stop67 campaign team has organised Right to remain in the Job to discuss the introduction of a statutory right to remain in the job with legal experts and industrial practitioners.