Outsourcing dispute leads to ballot for strike action

Waterford school is accused of unilaterally transferring staff to a private sector provider.

SIPTU members employed by De La Salle College, Waterford, are to ballot for industrial and strike action following a decision by the school’s management to unilaterally outsource their employment to a private sector provider.

“On Monday 15 August, our members employed as cleaners in De La Salle College, Waterford, with very little notice, were informed by management, without any consultation or agreement, that their employment was being outsourced to a private service provider,” said SIPTU Organiser Con Casey. “Management has issued them with a notice stating that the transfer of employment would be effective from 17th September.”

At a meeting the next day the cleaners rejected their unilateral transfer to a private sector provider or any other proposal that might undermine their conditions of employment at the school.

Casey said: “They also resolved to undertake ballots for industrial and/or strike action if their employer does not rescind the notice of transfer of employment which is in breach of established industrial relations practice.”