Aer Lingus sale condemned

Once the pride of Ireland’s state owned enterprises, Aer Lingus was lost to full privatisation during July with the decision of Ryanair to sell its shares in the company to the international conglomerate IAG.

The last hope for the former national airline had been if the anti-union Ryanair had decided not to sell its shares as IAG had stated it would not then purchase the 25.1% State holding in the company, which the Fine Gael/Labour Government had decided to sell in May.

The State will gain a little over €300 million from the sale of its shares in the profit making company which is of key strategic importance to Ireland.

SIPTU has stated that Aer Lings employees’ terms and conditions of employment will be protected despite the take-over, with the creation of a special Registered Employment Agreement for the company.

However the sale has been condemned by the Trade Union Left Forum (TULF).

“The only conclusion that can be drawn from the debacle,” the TULF stated, “Is that the leadership of some of our unions are so enthralled to the Labour Party agenda of social and economic liberalism that they are willing to jettison any commitment to the concept of democratic control of key state assets.”