First Tomás MacGiolla Hedge School

Patricia King, General Secretary of ICTU, speaking at the Tomás Mac Giolla Hedge School on "Communities and Trade Unions Fight Against Austerity"

The inaugural Tomás Mac Giolla Hedge School took place in the West County Hotel in Chapelizoid, Dublin, on 19th – 20th February.

Among those who addressed the event were ICTU General Secretary, Patricia King, Ulster Unionist Belfast Councillor, Chris McGimpsey and local Workers’ Party representative Lorraine Hennessy.

The Hedge School held in honour of the Former Dublin Lord Mayor and Workers’ Party President, Tomas Mac Giolla, held discussions on ‘The Campaign to Defend the Liffey Valley’, ‘Communities and Unions fight against Austerity’ and ‘Tomás and the Republican Ideal’.

Tomás Mac Giolla Hedge School co-ordinator, Anne Finnegan, said: “It was a very successful event, provoking thoughtful discussion and debate. The Hedge School will now be held on an annual basis as a fitting commemoration of the ideals and love of informed debate that Tomas always displayed.”